It all started with one little feeder. A little plastic one with clear sides that we hung from one of the trees.
We sat back to enjoy our birds and it wasn't long before the birds found it. A bluejay, a few sparrows and at the bottom of the feeder, a dove or two walk bobbing their heads and picking at the seed that has fallen to the ground. A new little bird flies to the feeder, we're not sure what it is, so off the bookstore we go to buy a bird book.
Unfortunately, it also wasn't long before the squirrels found it. By the time we got back, one had scamper up the tree, over the branch and down the hook, dangled from the feeder and with one paw free was scooping seeds into his mouth with no problem. At the bottom of the feeder is another squirrel, happily snatching the dropped seed. The feeder was already almost empty. Hubby runs out yelling at the squirrels "Go away!" and with a clap of his hands, they scamper off.
He smuggly comes back into the house and sits in the chair by the sunroom window. Within a few minutes, the squirrels are back. They run around the base of the tree, look about for the human and when they don't see him, up the tree they run. One jumps onto the branch and with little effort, lifts himself down to the feeder where he begins to reach his paw to the seed. Hubby is out of the house in no time, yelling and clapping his hands and the squirrels run off.
This goes on for some time until hubby notices that the squirrels are getting bolder. They no longer take him serious and he can't just stand on the deck and yell and clap. They just look at him and go on with their feast, as if daring him to come get them.
Hubby finally goes out and grabbing the feeder, brings it back into the house muttering. "Damn squirrels"
Hubby then finds another hook to use as an extension. Perhaps if the feeder is farther away from the branch, the squirrels won't be able to dangle. So putting the feeder up, hubby retreats to the sunroom again to enjoy the birds (and his victory).
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